September Release?

June 13, 2011 § Leave a comment

Okay, there have been a couple annoying people (no offense) commenting on my posts related to the release date and stating why what I said in the posts isn’t true.

Well. Freaking. Duh.

Seriously, if I talk about rumored release dates, or apparently confirmed release dates (that later turn out to be false), of course that means they’re not true! Besides, those posts were written months ago, and a lot of things change in a short amount of time.

Yeah, another rumor said it would be coming out in September, but nothing has been confirmed. If I remember correctly, at E3 they mentioned it would be released “this holiday season” (I swear that’s going to turn into a meme, because Reggie said it about almost all the games, it seemed).

But “this holiday season” could mean anything. It could mean as early as August and as late as February. That’s what I hate about the term. More than half of the year can be considered the “holiday season”.

So we’ll see when we’ll see. Release dates are always frustrating.

Oh, and also, if you’re interested, Lucas Thomas over at IGN wrote an article discussing his multiplayer experience with Kid Icarus: Uprising at E3. You can read it if you like.

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